Terms of Use

This website is the property of Can Passerells and reserves all rights to allow access to its users. The informative materials contained therein may be modified, expanded, reduced, updated or removed without prior notification.


The user who uses this website does so at his own risk. Can Passerells, its partners, collaborators, are not responsible for errors or omissions that could affect the contents of this website or other contents that can be accessed through it, or for any action taken on the based on the information provided in it.
Can Passerells, is not responsible for damages that could arise from interruptions, telephone breakdowns or disconnections in the operational functioning of this electronic system motivated by causes beyond Can Passerells, delays or blockages in the use of this electronic system caused by deficiencies or overloads of telephone lines or overloads in the Internet system or other electronic systems, as well as damages that may be caused by third parties through illegitimate intrusions beyond the control of Can Passerells.


All the integral elements of this website are merely informative and the property of Can Passerells, or in certain cases it owns the reproduction rights, these being subject to the legislation on the protection of intellectual and industrial property rights that the user has to respect Likewise, all commercial names, trademarks or distinctive signs of any kind contained on the Can Passerells website are protected by law.
The user acknowledges that the intellectual property rights on this web page, its graphic design and codes, are the property of Can Passerells, unless a different ownership is indicated therein. The unauthorized reproduction, distribution, commercialization or transformation of such works, except for personal and private use, constitutes an infringement of the intellectual property rights of Can Passerells, or of the holder thereof. These acts of exploitation may only be carried out with the express authorization of Can Passerells and as long as explicit reference is made to Can Passerells’ ownership of the indicated intellectual property rights.

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